Plants and animals of Pointfield

An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015   

Butterflies and moths: Noctuidae 

Copper underwing agg.

Amphipyra pyramidea agg.


Night-flying noctuid moth with vertical black bar on each wing topped by white spot. The two species A. pyramidea and A. berbera can only be differentiated on microscopic features so precise ID is uncertain. Caterpillar found in garden. Food plant oak and other trees.

Sightings by month

Found in greenhouse resting during the day 5th August: one individual. Another on 12th August sheltering in garden umbrella. Attracted to light trap 26th August, 2023. Caught in light trap 5th September (2) and 14th September (1), 2023.