An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015
Cap 6 cm diameter, low domed, off-white with a slightly yellowing centre; finely radially fibrillose; dry. Gills dense, pinkish brown when fresh turning black with age; free. Stem 70 x 16 mm; off-white, smooth, dry, without scales; prominent large double ring present with striated collar; tapering slightly towards a small marginate bulb. Flesh of cap faintly yellowing where bruised or damaged; some minor yellow staining in bulb when sectioned. Spore print dark brown. Spores ellipsoidal, chocolate brown in colour, rather thick-walled and without a germ pore; 5.0-6.7x 3.8-4.3 um, mean = 5.6 x 4.0 um, N = 15; Q = 1.4.
In grass in more woodland regions of the garden. At bottom of garden near the yew; also under oak tree.