Months observed
An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015
Large fungus up to 12 cm diameter. Cap initially rather pink in hue with paler edges and domed; covered with fine darker flecks - denser towards the centre - giving it a stubbly appearance; turning rusty orange with age and becoming funnel-shaped; no umbo; fine striations around the edge of mature cap. Gills off-white, becoming dark rusty brown with age; fine fragments of velar on gill and cap edge when young. Stem expanding downwards to a bulbous base that shows minor yellow staining; fibrous; reddish-brown below persistent upward turned ragged collar; paler above collar; turning almost black with age. Individual or as a dense cluster of individuals.
Spore print white. Spores small and ovoid without ornament; inamyloid; 6.3-7.5 x 4.1-4.7 um; mean 6.9 x 4.5 um, n = 20. Cheilocystidea sparse, fusiform to clavate, the fusiform ones being two- or three-celled. Pleurocystidia absent.
A large clump formed in the short-grass meadow close to the fallen cherry tree in 2021. Also seen occasionally in open wooded areas of grass.