Months observed
An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015
Cap up to 90 mm diameter; initially brown and conical with rounded top but gradually splitting as it opens to become shallowed domed; flesh white and coarsely flecked with scales with remnants of original brown coat. Gills white, dense and free. Stem white near cap, becoming light brown below; with well developed double ring; widening towards a large bulbous base; staining red when cut; up to 10 cm in length and widening from 12 mm diameter above the ring to 21 mm at base where bulb begins. Has a squatter stem that widens towards the base and coarser more reddish-brown scales on the cap compared to C. rhacodes. Spore print white. Spores ellipsoidal, 9.0-10.2 x 6.0-6.8 um, mean = 9.0 x 5.9 um, n = 15; smooth, strongly dextrinoid and staining dark brown in Metzer's Reagent. Basidia 4-spored. Cheilocystidia common; balloon-like with yellow inclusions.
Underneath bird cherry tree at bottom of garden, growing in deep wood debris.