Plants and animals of Pointfield

An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015   


Fragrant funnel

Clitocybe fragrans


Cap 2-4 cm in diameter; hygrophanous, bi-tone in colour creamy white in colour at margin but gradually becoming, a darker fawn towards depressed centre, drying lighter to a straw colour; initially domed, becoming flat to distinctly concave; margin with clear striations, edge not inturned. Gills adnate to weakly decurrant, white to light cream; unbranched; dense. Stalk a greyish fawn with fine white downy flecks along entire stalk;hollow; no ring. Spore print white; no amyloid reaction. Spores ovoid with more or less smooth surface; 6.1-8.2 x 3.4-4.0 um mean = 7.0 x 3.5 um N = 20; Qav. = 2.0. No cystidia.


Waxcap meadow, grass beyond trellis and lawn in front of house; common.

Months observed