Plants and animals of Pointfield

An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015   


Mealy funnel

Clitocybe vibecina


Cap 3-4 cm in diameter; drab brown in colour when wet, with a silky sheen, drying to an off-white with a darker centre; flat to weakly concave; margin slightly inturned when fully open. Gills decurrant, same colour as cap, unbranched. Stalk pale reddish brown with fine white down giving a streaked appearance; white fibres common at base; no ring. Spore print off-white to pale cream. Spore print white to pale cream. Spores ovate, smooth surfaced and with an off-centre apiculus; 6-7 um x 4 um; a small proportion containing a single large lipid inclusion. No amyloid reaction. No cystidia.


In short grass near silver birches at front of house.

Months observed