Plants and animals of Pointfield

An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015   



Cortinarius cinamomeus


 Cap up to 50 mm in diameter. Dry-surfaced and low to high domal in profile without noticeable umbo; a strong orange-brown in colour and with satin-like sheen. Gills moderately dense and adnate, orange-brown in colour. Stem up to 35 mm in length, stout with no ring; solid; off-white, but with orange-stained cortina fibres in upper part of smaller individuals (lost in older individuals); expanding toweards base. Spore print cinnamon brown. Spores amygdaloid and distinctly verucose, 7.6-8.3 x 4.7-5.1 um, mean = 8.0 x 4.8 N = 17; Qav = 1.64. No cheilocystidia or pleurocystidia.


Spaced cluster in soil immediately beneath Beech tree (Fagus sylvatica) at bottom of garden.

Months observed