Plants and animals of Pointfield

An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015   



Cortinarius (Telamonia) decipiens agg.


 Cap usually less than 20 mm in diameter. Dry-surfaced and low domal to flat and umbonate with almost black umbo when moist and dark brown elsewhere except at very rim where it becomes radially striate with pale veil fragments; hygrophanous, drying pale around umbo. Gills a dark flesh colour; emarginate. Stem up to 30 mm in length, slender with no ring; reddish in upper part and smooth; with white fibres in lower part. Spore print brown. Spores amygdaloid and strongly verucose, 8.2-9.8 x 5.3-6.0 um, mean = 9.0 x 5.8 N = 20; Qav = 1.56. No cheilocystidia or pleurocystidia.

Differs from C. ?anthracinus in lacking obvious red veil remnants covering the stalk and in having more amygdaliform and more strongly verucose spores. Probably not determinable to species without DNA test so placed in a broad aggregate.


In soil adjacent to mixed native tree hedge by greenhouse.  

Months observed