Months observed
An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015
Cap to 60 mm diameter, remaining conical with pointed umbo; surface finely scaly and a shiny copper-brown colour; fresh small forms have a more obviously felted cap with silvery-white topped scales. Red veil fibres often around the edge of the cap in fresh individuals. Gills initially pale; adnate to emarginate with slightly decurrent tooth where they attach; turning a dark chocolate brown in mature forms with some rusty red mottling. Stem to 55 x 5.5 mm; white fibrous ring usually evident; remainder of stem silvery and fibrillose with brown-red scales and vertical striping. Without distinct smell.
Spore print cinnamon brown. Spores small, elongate and amygdaloid without a germ pore; smooth; brown in KOH, darker in Metzer’s; 8.0-9.0 x 4.1-4.8 um (mean = 8.3 x 4.4 um: Q = 1.9). No cystidia seen.
Small patch of individuals near silver birch and damson trees.