Plants and animals of Pointfield

An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015   


Round-spored oysterling

Crepidotus cesatii


Small ear-shaped fungus up to 15 mm in diameter attached directly to substrate. Cap cup-shaped to conical; upper surface white to pinkish brown and finely hairy; edges inturned initially and crenulate when larger. Gills flesh to cinnamon brown; edge of gills frayed and paler. Spore print ?fawn (very faint). Spores subspherical and ornamented with numerous fine spines, the spines being ca. 0.5 um in length; no apiculus or germ pore; 6.0-8.6 x 5.2-7.7 um (mean = 7.2 x 6.3 um, N = 12); Q = 1.0-1.3, mean = 1.15. Cheilocystidia present but not particularly numerous or prominent; slender small and tubular; mostly branched. Hyphae with clamp connections.


Growing attached to a dead detatched twig of the cut-leaf beech.

Months observed