An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015
Cap 36 mm to 50 mm, flat, rather greasy with distinct broad umbo; dark brown centrally lightening towards rim where radial banding may appear; drying paler; surface of cap wrinkled and finely pitted. Gills emarginate to slightly decurrant, cinnamon brown in colour, rather dense. Stem widening downwards, 50 mm long x 5.0-7.5 mm; stem surface near cap is pruinose; prominent upturned and hanging ring present, striated on upper collar; below ring the stem is fibrose with many dark flecks; short root-section present in one specimen.
Spore print chocolate brown. Spores an orange-brown colour; elongate and smooth-surfaced; pip-shaped and often tapering distally to a snout-like tip; no germ pore; 12.2-13.1 x 6.0 x 6.8 um mean = 12.6 x 6.2 um n = 19: Q = 2.02. Cystidia utriciform usually with long cylindrical projection; present on both gill edge and sides, but sparse.
In the shade of the SW fence amongst nettles near lilac and pear trees. Also under cherry plum tree also amongst nettles.