Months observed
An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015
Small dark Entoloma with small, sharply defined umbo and very thin and stiff stem. Cap 23x25 mm in diameter; smooth and dry; dark brown in colour with an almost black central umbo and obvious radial striae over outer part; umbo distinctly pointed and rim of cap turned down and slightly crenulated. Gills pinkish white in colour; emarginate to adnexed; gill edges frayed under magnification. Stem dark, very stiff but very slender; 50 x 2 mm; dark brown with prominent white lines running down most of its length; pruinose near cap but otherwise smooth.
Spore print dull orange. Spores angular with pointed apiculus; thick-walled; longer than wide; 8.2-10.0 x 5.2-6.5 um, mean = 9.3 x 6.1 um, N = 17; Q = 1.5. Cheilocystidia common, more or less cylindrical and sometimes with a separate cap. Caulocystidia present at top of stem.
Unimproved grass near Yew, Lawson Cypress and Wytch elm.