Months observed
An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015
Solitary dark coloured mushroom with conical cap 20 mm in diamter; surface coarsely squamous at centre becoming finer towards edge; brownish with a distinct dark blue tinge. Gills adnexed, flesh-coloured with pale, finely serrated edges. Stem 60 mm long by 2.5mm wide; cylindrical and smooth; steel blue in colour with a white fibrous base. Spore print peach-coloured. Spores heterodiametric with 5-8 faces and prominent apiculus; 8.4-10.2 x 6.8-8.6 um, mean = 9.5 x 7.6 um, N = 21. Gill edge sterile, with sausage-shaped cheilocystidia; no pleurocystidia seen. No hyphal clamps found.
Waxcap meadow.