Months observed
An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015
Cluster of fruiting bodies in unimproved grass meadow Cap to 25 mm diameter, circular in outline and conical in profile. Colour a pale tan with a darker core; can be almost dark brown with a violaceous centre. Surface finely fibrose radially without trace of radial banding except at the extreme outer rim; tending to split slightly as it opens. Gills a fleshy pink-lilac with speckled walls; adnexed and turning browner as they age. Stem slender, solid, fibrous and twisted; some fine white flecks in lower part; 50 mm in length by 3 mm diameter, widening towards base. Spore print a rose pink. Spores angular with large triangular projection – often oblong to trapezoidal; 8.0-11.1 x 7.0-9.0 um (mean 9.8 x 7.9 um, n=18); a brown colour in Metzer’s reagent. Cap surface composed of small elongate cells some of which lift off to project away from the cap. Gill trama composed of long broad tightly packed cells. No cystidea found – presumed absent.
Waxcap meadow and under Japanese maple in short grass.