Months observed
An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015
Cap (pileus) to 45 mm diameter; rather irregular in outline and greasy to touch; a rich reddish brown colour with a white rim; surface slightly rugose; with broad gently domed umbo. Gills rather coarse and projecting; ca. 45 whole filaments; a pale pinkish brown in colour with slight mottling of the gill walls; edge of gills white and obviously frilled (under hand lens); emarginate; no droplets. Stipe rather chunky 40 x 9 mm (stipe Q = 4.7), with silky sheen, pale and obviously fibrillose; tapering slightly to base; not rooted; no well developed hollow core. Stipe slenderness = 4.0. Flesh darkens on cutting. No veil.
Spore print an orange brown. Spores fusoid to limoniform, thick-walled with prominent apiculus and a hyaline nipple at other end; surface granular (O3); 11.0-12.8 x 6.3-7.1 um, mean = 11.9 x 6.6; Q = 1.8. More translucent perispore present around many (P2); strongly dextrinoid (D4). Gill edge richly covered in long gently clavate cheilocystidia with slightly enlarged tips; Length 40-70 mm, mean width at tip 6.5 mm, width mid-length 4.1 mm; width near base 4.3.
Similar to H. leucosarx but with very strongly two-toned cap, coarser and more spaced gills and larger spores many with a partial perispore.
In grass near beech tree at bottom of garden. Rare.