Plants and animals of Pointfield

An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015   


Birch poisonpie

Hebeloma leucosarx


Cap to 65 mm diameter; initially low domed with inturned margin, but becoming flat to concave in largest forms with flat rim and no umbo; surface viscous and slimy; cream-coloured, sometimes slightly darker pale brown at the centre. Gills rather dense with ca. 60 complete gills, a pale fawn colour when fresh, becoming a light brown; ; gill edge finely frayed; adnexe; no speckling of gills (and no drops). Stem flesh-coloured with white fibrous flecks along its entire length; to 85 x 9 mm; slightly bulbous at the base with some short, fine, white rootlets; dry; hollow in cross-section, but without a descending tongue from the cap; no ring. Slight radish smell.

Spore print a reddish-brown colour. Spores fusoid and tapered at both ends; pale yellow-brown; staining darker reddish brown in Metzer's; finely granular surface and rather thick-walled; no perispore; 9.8-11.2 x 5.0-5.9 um; mean = 10.3 x 5.4 um, N = 20; Q = 1.9. Cheilocystidia abundant, long and cylindrical with a very slightly enlarged head (gently clavate); width at tip 4.5-7.0 um mean = 5.5; width midlength 4.1 mm. No pleurocystidia or caulocystidia.


In grass within open wooded areas; adjacent to silver birches and between cotoneaster and bramley apple trees. Occasional.

Months observed