An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015
Cap 3-4 cm in diameter, domed to subconical without a distinct umbo at centre; uniformly scarlet without radial striae; smooth, polished waxy surface; sometimes with yellow edge to disc, especially when young. Gills adnate, off-white to pale yellow in colour. Stalk smooth, a strong red to orange-yellow in colour, fading towards base, and slightly waxy to touch. Spore print white. Spores pip-like, smooth walled; 6.6-7.4 x 4.0-4.4 um, mean = 7.0 x 4.2 um, N = 15; Q = 1.65.
Waxcap meadow; common.