Months observed
An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015
Cap 3-5 cm in diameter, conical, coming to a pointed central umbo; opening out and splitting with age; cap waxy, green-yellow, orange or orange-brown in colour with darker radial streaks and typically a more reddish umbo; blackening with age. Gills adnexe, pale yellow in colour, turning black with age. Stalk fibrous, with fine twisted, longitudinal ridges; greenish yellow in colour; blackening from cap. Cap and stalk waxy but not greasy. Spore print off-white. Spores elliptical with rounded ends; thin-walled; no germ pore; 9.8-11.6 x 6.0-7.2 um, mean = 10.5 x 6.5 um, N = 13; Q= 1.6.
Waxcap meadow; common.