Months observed
An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015
Cap to 5 cm in diameter, domed to subconical; scarlet often with an orange-yellow margin; smooth, polished waxy surface. Gills emarginate, white to pale orange-yellow in colour. Stalk stout - 8-10 mm diameter, pale orange-yellow in colour becoming white distally, and more or less dry; typically ovate in cross-section with a median longitudinal sulcus giving the stem an hour-glass cross-section. Spore print white. Spores pip-shaped, smooth-walled with asymmetric apiculus and no germ pore; 6.8-8.2 x 4.0-4.7 um,.mean = 7.4 x 4.4 um: Q = 1.7.
Differs from the very similar H. coccinea in having a much stouter stem that is paler in colour and oval in cross-section.
Waxcap meadow; moderately common.