Months observed
An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015
Cap flat with slight umbo, up to 2.7 cm in diameter; red at the centre grading to pale lemon yellow at the margin. Centre of disc typically wrinkled; edge with sparse black veil fragments; Flesh yellow. Gills dense, unbranched, grey with a slight lilac hue; emarginate. Stem up to 4 cm long rather slender; yellow in colour flecked with brown. Thin, black remnants of the veil seen towards the top but no ring present. Stems typically fused with others towards the base. Spore print purple brown. Spores ovate and thick-walled without ornament; 5.9-6.7 um x 4.0-4.2 um (mean 6.2 x 4.1 um, n = 15); Qav = 1.5; germ pore present at one end; staining brown in Metzer’s reagent. Basidia four-spored. Clavate cheilocystidea along gill edges with inclusions (chrysocystidia).
Probably H. fasciculare but growing in grass and somewhat atypical in appearance, with lilac-grey gills (without yellow-green hue).
Growing in grass by apple tree (Laxton's Superb).