Plants and animals of Pointfield

An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015   


White fibrecap

Inocybe geophylla


Small silky white cap, initially campanulate becoming low domal; up to 15 mm diameter; surface of fine radial fibres away from umbo; umbo straw-coloured ; edge of cap with sparse, white veil remnants. Gills grey-white, adnate with a slight notch close to attachment; gill edges pale and distinctly frayed. Stem to 40 x 3 mm; white, dry, covered in fine hairs (caulicystidia) in uppermost part only; very slightly expanded at base. Spore print orange-brown. Spores oviod, smooth-walled and slightly pointed at one end; 7.1-8.3 x 4.2-5.2 um (mean = 7.7 x 4.7 um, N= 20); Qav = 1.6. Cheilocystidia abundant and lageniform with often some tiny crystals at tip. Pleurocystidia less abundant and lageniform, without crystal tips. Caulicystidia abundant, lageniform with thick-walled neck and prominent crystals at tip.


In grass underneath victoria plum tree.

Months observed