Plants and animals of Pointfield

An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015   



Inocybe pusio


Dark brown cap, conical to shallow conical to 30 mm diameter; centre domed and dark violaceous chesnut-brown, some with small scales; rest of cap slightly lighter orange-brown; radial fibres present; disc tending to split especially towards the rim revealing white underlying flesh. Gills pale brown, rather well-spaced, with speckled walls and finely fibrillose edge; adnexed. Stem to 50 x 4.5 mm; pale with slight lilac/violet bloom in places, dry, fibrillose along entire length; expanded slightly towards base but without terminal bulb.

Spore print an orange-brown. Spores pip-shaped, rather thick-walled and smooth with apiculus but no germ pore; 7.2-9.2 x 4.4-5.9 um, mean = 8.5 x 5.1 um; Q = 1.7. Cheilocystidia and pleurocystidia abundant, lageniform with crystal encrustation of the head; large clavate to spherical cells accompany the cheilocystidia on the gill edge. Caulocystidia more slender and occur in small clusters in the upper part of the stem only.


In grass at edge of cut-leaf beech canopy near the kitchen rockery; 3-4 individuals 

Months observed