Plants and animals of Pointfield

An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015   


Mottled funnel

Paralepista gilva


Small pale apricot-coloured funnel up to 4 cm in diameter but outline generally irregular; with mottled apricot / cream coloured cap with inrolled margin and concave centre; mottling and blotching most clearly developed towards the edge; surface dry and smooth. Gills pale concolourous with cap; dense, strongly decurrent and unbranched. Stem short and off-white ; often not quite central. Spore print white. Spores small, subspherical; warty; 3.7-4.5 x 3.2-3.9 um, mean = 4.2 x 3.6 um, N = 10; Q = 1.2. No cystidia.

Like Lepista flaccida but a paler colour with strong blotching around the margins, a white spore print, and its spores are slightly more spherical.


Occuring in deep woody debris and litter underneath holly tree and in close proximity to Clitopygus nebularis

Months observed