Months observed
An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015
Cap to ca. 8 cm in diameter, initially bell-shaped with flat top, becoming low domal; dark red at centre, with some rather large scales; outer part with finer granulation/scales. Flesh white, reddening where cut. Surcafe oc cap turns red with KOH (not green). Gills free, white, fine, unbranched and dense. Stalk relatively stout with ring; white above ring but reddish brown beneath. Tissue bleeds red when bruised or cut. Spore print white. Spores pip-shaped, 6.0-7.5 x 4.0-4.6 um, mean = 6.9 x 4.1 um, N = 20; Qav = 1.6; thick-walled, no germ pore. Cheilocystidia abundant and clavate without inclusions.
Like Chlorophyllum rachodes but immediately stains red on damage and with less pronouced scales. Differs from L. badhamii in being much more scaly and with the cap staining red rather than green with 10% KOH
Growing amongst pine needle debris underneath the Chamaecyparis lawsoniana.