An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015
Cap to 20 mm diameter; domed with slightly in-turned edge and raised umbo; 10 mm tall and rounded; orange-tan in colour when moist; surface dry, leathery and smooth (a little wrinkled and desiccated). Gills widely spaced; white, becoming flesh-colour, broadly adnate but readily detached from the stem. Stem rugged and very stiff; white near cap but slightly darker near base; smooth; tapering towards cap (2.1 mm diameter) and widening towards base (4.3 mm diameter) but no basal bulb and no ring; dry.
Spore print pure white. Spores 7.2-8.2 x 4.2-5.0 um (mean 7.9 x 4.7 um, n = 20); slightly irregular (fusoid to ovoid) in outline and inamyloid. Cystidea usually absent but edge of gill with occasional finger-like cystidea.
In short grass outside greenhouse in June and again in September. In short-grass meadow in October.