Plants and animals of Pointfield

An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015   


Whitelace shank

Megacollybia platyphylla


Large fungus with slender stalk growing from well-rotted hardwood stump. Cap orange-brown, darker centrally and radially marked away from centre. 8 cm diameter; with slight umbo at centre; cap flesh thin. Gills adnexed-emarginate, white. Stalk hollow, slender, smooth; to 10 cm length and 4.5 mm diameter; smooth surfaced and without ring; base of stalk penetrating deep into log. Spore print white; no amyloid reacrtion. Spores rounded and smooth; 7.0-10.1 um (mean = 8.8 x 6.7 um, N = 19); Qav. = 1.3; no apiculus and no germ pore. No cystidia seen. Basidia with two horn-like sterigmata.


Growing from well-rotted hardwood stump in pond rockery.

Months observed