Plants and animals of Pointfield

An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015   


Grooved cavalier

Melanoleuca grammopodia


Very large, brown cap reaching 150 mm in diameter, retaining a brown colour when dry; down-curved edge and concave towards centre with distinct umbo; smooth, slightly greasy surface. Gills emarginate; densely packed; pure white. Stem pale with twisted fibrous appearance, significantly shorter than cap diameter in larger individuals.

Spore print cream. Spores strongly amyloid; ovoid, without germ pore and with a strongly granular surface [picture shows the same spores at different focal points]; thick-walled; 7.9-9.7 x 4.8-5.2 um, mean = 8.6 x 5.1 um, N = 20; Qav. 1.7. Differs from M. polioleuca in having larger spores, in growing to a much larger diameter, and in having a more fibrous stem.


In grass underneath oak tree.

Months observed