Plants and animals of Pointfield

An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015   


Beech leaf bonnet 

Mycena capillaris


Tiny white mycenid growing from main vein of a decaying beech leaf. Cap diameter 1.6 mm, hemispherical and wrinkled around the edge. Gills few in number, 6 primary gills reach the stem; adnate; stem 12 mm long and much less than 1 mm in width; pale in upper part becoming browner towards the base where there is a tuft of white hyphal threads;stalk covered in fine white hairs. Spores lemon-pip shaped, pointed at each end; 10.3-11.0 x 5.0-5.5 um, mean = 10.7 x 5.2, N = 7; Qav = 2.1. Cystidia abundant, clavate; rare capitulate lageniform cystidia.


On decaying beech leaf under beech tree (Fagus sylvatica) at bottom of garden.

Months observed