Months observed
An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015
Grey mycenoid up to 2 cm diameter. Cap initially bell-shaped before opening to a parasol shape; dark brown at the core but a pale brown-grey over most of the cap with clear radial banding. Gills adnate, white in colour, unbranched and rather widely spaced; edges and sides with very fine fuzz. Stalk slender, hollow, pale, smooth, to 80 mm x 2 mm; lower third or so of stem covered in fine rooting hyphae; no latex observed . Spore print white. Spores ovoid, smooth and without prominent apiculus; no germ pore; 7.1-10.0 x 4.7-5.0 um, mean = 8.3 x 4.9 um, n = 20; Qav = 1.7. Cheilocystidia (figs 1, 2) abundant and fusiform with pointed tips; arising from mass of small 'hedgehog-like' cheilocystidia; Pleurocystidia (figs 3-5) sparce but similar in form. Caulocystidia (Fig. 6) rare and more irregularly formed. Basidia (fig. 4) 4-spored. Cap hyphal cells (fig. 7) inflated.
Despite the lack of latex from the stem, few Mycena have such distinctive fusiform cheilocystidia
Growing from underside of old oak log underneath oak tree.