Plants and animals of Pointfield

An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015   


Pearson's bonnet 

Mycena pearsoniana


Disc wide domed to flat or slightly concave; pink-coloured with outer zone of radial bands that have a relatively few strong striae with 4-5 finer striae inbetween; edge crenulate with indentations coinciding with coarser striae; depressed centrally; rather sweet-smelling; hygrophanous, drying to a off-white. Gills off-white, decurrent, moderately dense with 4 size-cycles; no coloured edge, no gill mottling. Stem to 45 x 5.5 mm; pale, smooth, expanded at base; hollow with large lumen extending into cap. Spore print cream. Spores hyaline in KOH, brown in Metzer’s; ellipsoidal and more or less smooth; 6.3-8.0 x 3.5-4.0 um, mean = 6.9 x 3.8 um, N = 20; Q = 1.8. No cystidia seen.


Waxcap meadow near golden spires apple tree.

Months observed