Plants and animals of Pointfield

An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015   


Frosty bonnet

Mycena tenerrima


Minute fungus to 3.5 mm in diameter. Cap bell-shaped, white to pale steel-blue in colour and covered in minute white flecks giving it a frosted appearance. Gills white, in two sizes with 10 primary gills reaching the stem; adnexed. Stalk slender, hyaline or with a slight bluish tinge; flecked with white hairs along its entire length. Stem attaches via a white disc. Spores rounded in outline, elliptical to subtriangular; smooth walled and amyloid in Metzer's; 7.8-9.0 x 5.2-6.0 um, mean = 8.2 x 5.6, N = 8; Q = 1.4-1.6, Qav = 1.5. Surface of cap covered with large globose to clavate terminal cells covered in warts. Cheilocystidia as fine fingerlike projections emerging from amongst basidia.


Growing from under bark in fallen cherry tree trunk and on bark of old sawn branches. Also growing on old fallen cone of a larch. 

Months observed