Months observed
An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015
Small darkish fungus growing from twigs in leaf litter. Cap to 5 mm in diameter; bell-shaped, dull brown in colour with dark and light radial banding round outer part; smooth and dry. Gills white, adnexed to emarginate. Stalk slender, 35 x 1-2 mm; grey and smooth above, pale blue towards base where there is a mass of spike-like hyphae. Spores ovate with prominent offset apiculus and containing oil droplets; 8.0-10.3 x 4.7-6.0 um mean = 9.2 x 5.3, N = 13; Qav = 1.75; very weakly granular surface; amyloid in Metzer's. Cheilocystidia abundant, clavate, oten with on small finger-like projection.
Growing from twiglet (acorn stalk) in leaf litter under hedge by oak tree.