Months observed
An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015
Small mushroom usually in clusters of 4 caps no more than a couple of cm in diameter. Cap initially cylindrical and date-brown in colour with fine hairs; rapidly becoming paler and striated across most of the cap - retaining a date-brown core but with the rest of the cap becoming pale fawn and obviously striated; eventually opening to a parasole shape. Gills adnexe to almost free; dark brown turning black with age; edges of cap curling uopwards and inwards as the cup matures. Stalk narrow; initially white and fibrose but becoming cream coloured and smooth; no ring. Short lived; development followed over just 3 days. Several cycles of uschrooms appeared during April and May.
Spores elipsoidal, 9.5-12 um in length by 6.1-7.6 um in width (mean = 10.7 x 6.8 um, n = 20). Charcoal grey in colour with germ pore at one end and small offset nipple at the other. Cap upper surface with occasional long brown hairs projecting. cheilocystidia clavate or utriform in shape.
In gravel with wood debris close to the North wall.