Months observed
An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015
Large fragile mushroom. Cap conical, 30 mm wide by 20 mm high; hygrophanous - chocolate brown when fresh, drying to a straw colour from centre; surface covered with fine hairs (seen under the handlens) and radial lines evident towards the edge of the cap. Gills tobacco-brown with a white edge; sides mottled black; gills free. Stem slender and cylindrical, white to off-white, up to 10 cm in length but less than 2 mm in diameter; base with fine white fibres and top of stem also with fine white fuzz.
Spore print black. Spores dark brown in KOH; ellipsoidal with large terminal germ pore; 13.0-15.0 x 7.5-8.0 um (mean = 14.2 x 7.8 um, n = 13). Cheilocystidia common, mostly lageniform.
Scattered individuals present in wood debris under the oak tree and near the lilac tree in the front garden. Also in wild flower border.