Months observed
An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015
Cap 90 mm, depressed centrally and with inrolled margin; outline irregular; yellow brown mottled surface (patches of darker brown fibrous mesh over a more yellow-brown flesh). Gills dense, strongly decurrent; cream-coloured with rusty gill edges and blotched sides but becoming brown where damaged or handled; branching common; lateral buttressing of the gills developed towards the edge. Stem short and stout (40 x 16 mm) tapering downwards; fibrillose; dry; hollow; bottom of stem black when sectioned.
Spore print a slightly orange brown. Spores hyaline in KOH, staining brown in Metzer’s; ellipsoidal; 7.5-8.6 x 4.8-5.8 um; mean = 8.1 x 5.2 um, N = 12. Pleurocystidia and cheilocystidia occasional, with cylindrical to weakly conical tip.
Under a small yew tree: single specimen.