Months observed
An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015
Large cluster of pale yellow-brown to off-white mushrooms surrounding an old hardwood log set in soil. Cap convex to conical; circular when single, but mostly crowded together causing distortion to the outline; up to 5 cm in diameter. Colour a light ochre, slightly darker at the umbo; finely striated radially. With age opening and splitting with radial fissures; margins also crinkling concentrically. Edge of disc inturned slightly and with obvious veil remnants around rim when fresh. Gills dense, sinuate and adnate; initially off-white but sides becoming mottled a dark brown but with the edge remaining white. Stem white, robust with no trace of ring; upper part with fine longitudinal banding and more felty in texture; most of stem with a silky sheen and fibrillose texture. Stem often curved towards base and arising side by side with others.
Spore print a tobacco dark brown. Spores ellipsoidal to bean-shaped with eccentric nipple and large terminal germ pore; less than 10 um long; surface smooth. Cheilocystidea common, simple utriform to cylindrical tubes with rounded head. Caulocystidea present on stem towards cap; in clusters; long and cylindrical. No pleurocystidea seen.
A large cluster formed around a partially buried hard-wood logs in the border by the back gate. Cluster appeared in July and a larger cluster in September, 2022. Another large cluster in the same spot at the end of June, 2023.