Plants and animals of Pointfield

An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015   


Red-edged brittlestem

Psathyrella corrugis


Tall, elegant, mushroom with stiff thin stalk. Cap 3 cm wide, initially domed but becoming flat with age; dark brown when wet with radial banding evident, drying to a straw colour with radial bands; no veil fragments retained. Gills adnate; dark and speckled sides, with a clear red line along the edge. Stem long and rigid, 120 x 4.5 mm; grey when wet, drying white; basal 1.5 cm rooting with dense white hyphae; stem snaps audibly when broken. Spore print a dark purplish brown. Spores brown, ellipsoidal with large terminal pore and no apiculus; thick-walled; 11.0-13.0 x 6.0-6.9 um, mean 11.8 x 6.4 um, N = 15; Qav = 1.9. Cheilocystidia small and abundant; laganiform mostly without shoulders and with rounded tip. Pleurocystidia fewer and larger, laganiform with a slight shoulder and often capitulate.


A small group of individuals growing in deep woody debris at the bottom of the garden under the holly trees. Also in grass close to native hedge by greenhouse.

Months observed