Months observed
An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015
Small dark brown conical-capped mushroom with extensive white veil threads retained on cap and stem. Cap 5 to 15 mm diameter, reddish brown in colour, no striations towards edge. Gills dark with speckled sides and white edge that is slightly frayed under hand-lens. No sign of red edge except right at the very rim. Stalk long and slender (75 x 2.5 mm), off-white to flesh coloured with abundant white threads along its length; hollow. Spore print black. Spores oval, dark brown, with large germ pore at one end; 10.5-12.0 x 5.9-6.8 um, mean 11.2 x 6.5 um, N = 16; Qav = 1.7. No pleurocystidia. Cheilocystidia prominent, lageniform occasionally with small crystals around tip. Caulocystidia of inflated and segmented hyphae.
Growing under walnut tree in grass in early October and near half-moon border.