Plants and animals of Pointfield

An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015   



Psathyrella microrrhiza


Small dark brown conical-capped mushroom with extensive white veil threads retained on cap and stem. Cap 5 to 15 mm diameter, reddish brown in colour, no striations towards edge. Gills dark with speckled sides and white edge that is slightly frayed under hand-lens. No sign of red edge except right at the very rim. Stalk long and slender (75 x 2.5 mm), off-white to flesh coloured with abundant white threads along its length; hollow. Spore print black. Spores oval, dark brown, with large germ pore at one end; 10.5-12.0 x 5.9-6.8 um, mean 11.2 x 6.5 um, N = 16; Qav = 1.7. No pleurocystidia. Cheilocystidia prominent, lageniform occasionally with small crystals around tip. Caulocystidia of inflated and segmented hyphae.


Growing under walnut tree in grass in early October and near half-moon border.

Months observed