Months observed
An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015
Cap to 35 mm; chocolate brown but hygrophanous and rapidly drying to a straw colour often giving a two-toned appearance; surface slightly waxy, dry; in small individuals (17 mm) campaniform and with a white fibrous cortina covering the gills; becoming flat with a wavy edge and low umbo, then concave. Eventually blackening. Gills gull yellow in colour with red blotching; decurrent; blackening with age. Stem to 80 x 5 mm; stiff; pale with a silky sheen; lowest quarter covered in fine hyphae with a slight bluish tinge; pointed at tip; no ring. Stem bruises an ink blue where damaged.
Spore print charcoal. Spores large, ellipsoidal, smooth, thick-walled, brown; with germ pore; 10.8-12.7 x 6.0-6.5 um, mean = 11.4 x 6.2 um. Cheilocystidia numerous, lageniform; pleurocystidia absent.
Growing along wooden edges to raised vegetable plots. Also in grass around tudor rose.