Plants and animals of Pointfield

An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015   


Liberty cap

Psilocybe semilanceata


Small dark conical mushroom; Cap to 10 mm; tall with a prominent pointed umbo; pale centrally becoming dark brown-black towards slightly inturned edge. Gills adnate, with brown sides and black edges. Stem pale long and slender, with fine white flecks in upper part. Spore print black. Spores large, 11.3-13.8 x 6.8-7.9, mean = 12.6 x 7.3, N = 15; Qav = 1.73; brown,thick-walled, ellipsoidal with small terminal germ pore and small offset apiculus. Cheilocystidia small fusiform and not projecting far. No pleurocystidia.


Growing in wildflower meadow in grass.

Months observed