Plants and animals of Pointfield

An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015


Greening coral

Ramaria abietina


Small, clump-forming rather pliable coral, dull pale yellow-brown coloured fingers that branch multiple times and at their tip give rise to 2-6 stubby projections; basal branches flattened rather than cylindrical, more distal branches cylindrical. Staining green in places where bruised or damaged. Ferrous sulphate causes branches to turn a dark olive green. Spores tear-drop-shaped and verrucose; 6.8-9.0 x 3.7-4.6 um, mean = 7.6 x 4.0 um, N = 16; Q = 1.9.


Growing at base of yew tree near pond and in coniferous debris under the Leylandi cypress.

Months observed