Months observed
An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015
Small, clump-forming rather pliable coral, dull pale yellow-brown coloured fingers that branch multiple times and at their tip give rise to 2-6 stubby projections; basal branches flattened rather than cylindrical, more distal branches cylindrical. Staining green in places where bruised or damaged. Ferrous sulphate causes branches to turn a dark olive green. Spores tear-drop-shaped and verrucose; 6.8-9.0 x 3.7-4.6 um, mean = 7.6 x 4.0 um, N = 16; Q = 1.9.
Growing at base of yew tree near pond and in coniferous debris under the Leylandi cypress.