Plants and animals of Pointfield

An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015   


Upright coral

Ramaria stricta agg.


Clump of small, slender, flesh- to rose-pink coloured branches that become pale upwards; tips give rise to 4-6 small finger-like projections; more basal parts flattened rather than cylindrical. No obvious change in colour on bruising. Surface turns apple-green on application of FeSO4. Spore print cream. Spores elongate with fine surface granulation; 8.0-9.6 x 3.6-4.8 um (mean 8.7 x 4.0 um, n = 20); Q = 1.9-2.5, Qav. = 2.15.  

Distinguished from other corals by the small size and greater elongation of its spores which are almost smooth, by its rose-pink colour and by its habitat (associated with broad-leaf trees or woodchip). R. obtussisima or R. lutea are probably the closest match in spore morphology.


Growing on soil under the cherry plum tree (Prunus cerasifera) and in borders by back gate.

Months observed