An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015
Tiny mushroom growing amongst deep leaf litter. Cap white, 3.5 mm diameter, slightly dimpled in the middle and weakly ribbed around the sides; centre with a slightly yellowish eye. Gills white, widely spaced, adnate, attaching direct to stem without collarium. Stalk long, thin and wiry (30 x 0.25 mm); uppermost part white, but sharply changing to a brown and covered in long, fine hairs; basal part with extensive rooting hyphae. Spore print not obtained. Spores lemon-shaped with prominent apiculus; 8.9-9.7 x 4.6-4.8 um, mean 9.3 x 4.7 um, N = 4; Qav = 2.0. Cystidia abundant along edge and sides of gills; lageniform to fusiform and often with a rounded and slightly enlarged head. Cap surface of large inflated cells.
In wood and leaf litter under the hedge by the oak tree. Stems attached to base of an old acorn cup.