Months observed
An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015
Small tan brown mushroom with domed cap that flattens with age. Cap a little irregular with initially an inrolled margin - 19.5 x 17 mm in diameter. A distinct rose-pink tinge to the cap developed towards the edge when fresh but becming a beige colour when old. Cap surface dry and with small cracks towards the centre. No veil remnants; no radial striation. Gills rather dense and white in colour; unbranched; adnate but becoming detached from the stem. Stem short and stout – 25 mm long by almost 5 mm in diameter. A distinct rose pink in colour in upper part, becoming whiter towards base and tapering slightly; surface covered with tiny flecks. Solid.
Spore print white; spores ellipsoidal and very small without germ pore or distinct apiculus; 4.8-5.9 x 2.7-3.2 um (mean 5.3 x 3.0 um; n = 15); inameloid. Gill surfaces without cystidea.
Solitary in waxcap grass meadow (May and October). A small cluster in short grass near entrance to pond (September - October).