Months observed
An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015
Cap conical and very slimy; colour pale turqoise; edge lacking remnants of veil; 26-40 mm diameter. Gills dense, adnexed, cream-coloured; gill edges not white. Stem dry, with a distinct turquoise tinge becoming more strongly blue towards the base; 51 mm x 4.6 mm diameter; distinct ring present in most specimens; below ring the stem is covered in white flecks.
Spore print mid-brown. Spores ellipsoidal to slightly bean-shaped; thick- but smooth-walled; inamyloid; with small germ pore; 6.8-8.2 x 3.8-4.5 um, mean 7.6 x 4.1 um, N= 20; Q = 1.8. Chrysocystidia with pointed tip. Pleurochrysocystidia clavate and abundant.
Under Golden Spires apple tree, Oct. 2022. Under walnut tree October, 2023. In wild flower border September, 2024.