An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015
Grey cap to 30 mm diameter, low domed with inrolled margin and slight umbo; surface finely felted texture with radial streaks and dry, dark grey (almost black) centrally becoming a dull orange-brown towards rim. Flesh in cross-section white. Gills white to cream, quite dense with 3 cycles of gill length; emarginate; gill edges smooth. Stem brown with abundant white flecks/streaks, smooth; up to 30 x 5 mm; well-developed zone of white hyphae at base. Spore print white. No cystidia. Spores small, smooth, ovate; no germ pore; 4.7-6.2 x 2.8-3.4 um, mean = 5.2 x 3.0 um, N = 20; Qav = 1.70 (1.47-2.00). A member of the T. scalpturatum complex with narrow spores.
In grass path under walnut tree: clump of four individuals.