An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015
Cap initially broadly domed with inrolled margin, becoming somewhat flatter with age; to 60 mm diameter; often irregular in outline; surface smooth, dry, greyish white with more flesh-coloured patches where bruised;. Gills white, quite dense with 3 cycles of gill length; adnate to slightly decurrent. Stem white, smooth up to 50 x 6 mm in length x width; widening towards base with well-developed zone of white hyphae at base. Spore print white. No cystidia. Spores rather small, smooth, amygdaloid to ovate; no germ pore; amyloid; 4.1-6.0 x 2.4-3.3 um, mean = 4.6 x 2.9 um, N = 23; Q = 1.6.
Spore dimensions a little smaller than quoted for this species.
In grass near beech tree and Leyland cypress hedge at bottom of garden: clump of three individuals