Months observed
An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015
Cap to 20 mm diameter, initially domed but flattening with age though never concave; pale straw colour with a brown centre, drying to a uniform pale cream; surface of cap dry with a felt-like texture. Gills a distinct cream-yellow colour; sinuate with broad connection to the stem and with a slightly decurrent tooth; edge of gill paler and frayed. Stem up to 35 mm by 1.8 mm; hollow; pale cream in colour with fine fuzz towards the top and white hyphal threads at base.
Spore print a pinkish orange; spores ellipsoidal without germ pore but surface finely granular; 5.8-7.1 x 3.3-4.0 um; (mean = 6.1 x 3.6 um, n = 20). Cheilocystidia common, thin-walled and lageniform to cylindrical. Basidia 4-spored.
Very numerous under Cotoneaster tree near bottom of garden in short grass covered in Cotoneaster berries.