Plants and animals of Pointfield

An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015   


Scurfy tubaria

Tubaria furfuracea


Cap 2-3 cm in diameter with an irregular wavy margin; hygrophanous, drying pale; a dark drab brown in colour at the centre, with a scurfy surface - becoming paler in colour and radially banded towards the margin; flat to slightly domed in profile. Gills adnate to slightly decurrant, orange-brown in colour, unbranched, rather widely spaced. Stalk long and cylindrical; orange-brown and smooth; no ring; with a white fibrous base.

Spore print an orange-red colour. Spores bean-shaped to ellipsoidal, with a small apiculus and no germ pore; olivaceous in colour and non-amyloid; surface smooth; interior occasionally with a large oil droplet; 7.0-8.0 x 3.9-4.7 um, mean = 7.5 x 4.5 um, N = 38; Qav = 1.7. Basidia 4-spored. Cheilocystidia numerous, cylindrical, clustered in bunches along gill edge; often with a swollen head; rarely branched and some with a few small crystals at tip. Pleurocystidia absent.


As a clump of a few specimens in woodland grass beneath apple trees [Jan Feb 22, 23]. Also near cherry plum tree in grass by old twigs, early November, 2023. On main lawn in front of house, mid Nov., 2023.

Months observed