Months observed
An informal survey of the plant and animal life living in or visiting the grounds of Pointfield, Kelso since 2015
Cap to 60 mm diameter. Domed and olive brown to brown in colour with a coarsely cracked surface revealing red-stained flesh beneath. Pores adnexed; yellow, staining blue-black when bruised. Stem to 60 mm long and thick; no ring; red-stained on lower part. Flesh of stem blue-staining towards the outside when cut with a red-staining core; Cap flesh staining blue above gills when cut. Spore print dark brown. Spores elongate, smooth, with slight but distinct indentation towards one end; 10.2-11.8 x 4.0-5.2 um (mean = 11.0 x 4.6 um N = 17); Qav = 2.37.
Growing under cut-leaf beech tree.